Sure, you could configure Crysis 3 using the in-game options menu, but real pros update their volumetric water shadows in real time. EA has sent Gamefront a full list of the console commands available for the GPU-bothering FPS. The commands can be modified during singleplayer sessions by accessing the console – either through the tilde key in the US, or the collection of largely pointless punctuation in the same spot on Brit-based keyboards. (It's the key above Tab, wherever you happen to live.) Along with the commands are instructions on how to edit them. For the most part, you're better off editing the .cfg files in Crysis 3′s root directory. But if you're looking for a quick change, each one will work in the console. For instance, you can remove all the visual clutter for screenshots by enabling the following: r_colorgrading 0 (Removes the black and white color grading) hud_hide 1 (Removes hud) r_drawnearfov 2 (Toggles weapon visibility) The full list is below. It's absolutely massive. As a reward for those who make it to the end, I've embedded a video of some sloths in a bucket. Alternatively, read our Crysis 3 review to find out if you'll want the game these commands command. Game Field of View CVar: cl_fov Recommended to be placed in system.cfg The vertical field of view in degrees. This controls several individual FOV controls that you can tweak manually if you prefer: cl_FOV – The main field of view r_DrawNearFOV – the field of view for nearby objects (held weapon, etc) pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFOV – The field of view while power sprinting Default Value: 60 HUD Bobbing CVar: cl_bobhud Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Controls the amount of bob hud which is applied. Default is 1.0 HUD Canvas Adjustment CVar: hud_canvas_width_adjustment Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Multiplayer only. Multiplies the width of the HUD's virtual canvas in cases where it may overlap monitor boundaries in multi-monitor setups. NOTE: before this multiplier is applied, the HUD clamps itself to a 16:9 res. Default is 1.0 Hud Hide CVar: hud_hide Recommended to be placed in system.cfg If this cvar is true the HUD will be hidden from view completely. Suitable for screenshots or very immersive play. NOTE: This feature is not fully supported, and this cvar value might need to be reset in game, e.g. on loading a save. Default is off (hud visible) Music Volume CVar: s_MusicVolume Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Controls the volume of Music, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 1.0, full volume. SFX Volume CVar: s_SFXVolume Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Controls the volume of SFX, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 1.0, full volume. Dialog Volume CVar: s_DialogVolume Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Controls the volume of Dialog, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. Default is 1.0, full volume. Max FPS Limit CVar: sys_MaxFps Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Limits the frame rate to specified number. A value of 0 means no limit. Default is 0 Input Toggle Crouch CVar: cl_crouchToggle Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Makes the crouch key work as a toggle. Default is on Toggle Zoom CVar: cl_zoomToggle Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Makes the zoom key work as a toggle. Default is on Mouse Smoothing CVar: i_mouse_smooth Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Set mouse smoothing value, also if 0 (disabled) there will be a simple average between the old and the actual input. (1.0 = very very smooth, 30 = almost instant) Default is 0.0 Mouse Acceleration CVar: i_mouse_accel Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Set mouse acceleration, 0.0 means no acceleration. Default is 0.0 Mouse Acceleration Max CVar: i_mouse_accel_max Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Set mouse max mouse delta when using acceleration. Default is 100.0 Mouse Sensitivity CVar: cl_sensitivity Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Sets mouse sensitivity. Default is 30.0 Graphics Features Particle Collisions CVar: e_ParticlesObjectCollisions Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls what objects particles will collide with. Default Value: Static (Low/Medium), Dynamic (High/Very High) None: No particle collisions at all. Static: Particles tagged for collisions will interact with static objects. Dynamic: As with Static, but dynamic objects also. Particle Motion Blur CVar: e_ParticlesMotionBlur Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables motion blur effect on fast moving particles. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) Force Soft Particles CVar: e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Forces all possible particles to use soft intersections with geometry – increases the cost but will all but eliminate hard edges on particles. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) Tessellation CVar: e_Tessellation Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables DX11 ALL tessellation. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) NOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game. Will be tweakable soon. Water Ocean Tessellation CVar: r_WaterTessellationHW Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables DX11 tessellation for the ocean water surface. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) Pixel Accurate Displacement Maps CVar: r_SilhouettePOM Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping (VERY GPU intensive). Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) Real-time Global Illumination CVar: e_GI Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables real-time Global Illumination. Default Value: Off (Low), On (Medium/High/Very High) Real-time Volumetric Cloud Shadows CVar: r_FogShadows Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables Real-time Volumetric Cloud Shadows. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium), On (High/Very High) Volumetric Water Shadows CVar: r_FogShadowsWater Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the Real-time Volumetric Shadows underneath water. Default Value: Off (Low), On (Medium/High/Very High) Screen-space Reflections CVar: r_SSReflections Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the Screen-Space reflections effect on glossy or reflective materials. Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High) Depth of Field CVar: r_DepthOfField Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the depth of field blur effect. Default Value: OnNOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game. Will be tweakable soon. Explosion Blur CVar: g_radialBlur Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the radial blur effect applied after an explosion. Default Value: On Color Grading CVar: r_ColorGrading Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Enables or disables the artist controlled color grading post-processing effect. Default Value: On Graphics Tweaking Sharpening CVar: r_Sharpening Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the level of the post-processing image sharpening filter. Higher values give more sharpening, but too high values will create artifacts A value of 0.0 is off Default Value: 0.25 Chromatic Aberration CVar: r_ChromaticAberration Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the level of the post-processing chromatic aberration. A value of 0.0 is off Default Value: 1.5 Filmgrain CVar: r_HDRGrainAmount Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the level of film grain applied to the final image to help alleviate artifacts from lack of colour precision in 32-bit colour displays. A value of 0.0 is off Default Value: 0.0 Bloom amount CVar: r_HDRBloomRatio Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the level of bloom used to simulate over-bright areas of the screen Default Value: 0.15 Bloom threshold CVar: r_HDRBrightLevel Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the brightness level threshold used to compute bloom Default Value: 1.0 Ambient Occlusion Method CVar: r_ssao Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Chooses the ambient occlusion method Default Value: SSAO (Low/Medium/High), SSDO (Very High) None: No ambient occlusion is used. SSAO: Screen-space Ambient Occlusion. SSDO: Screen-space Directional Occlusion. Texture Pool Size (MB) CVar: r_TexturesStreamPoolSize Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Sets the size of VRAM that is available in a pool for texture streaming. Value is in Megabytes, and may be clamped based on the amount of video memory detected Default Value: 192 (Low), 384 (Medium), 512 (High/Very High) Shadow Timeslicing CVar: e_GsmCache Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Saves GPU performance by updating distant shadows less often. Default Value: On (Low) Off (Medium/High/Very High) Shadow Casting Light Scale CVar: e_ShadowsResScale Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the resolution of shadow maps used for individual shadow casting lights. Value is an arbitrary multiplier, so doubling this will double the resolution of each light Default Value: 3.4 (Low/Medium/High), 40 (Very High) Tessellated Shadow Cascades CVar: e_ShadowsTessellateCascades Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Determines how many shadow cascades to apply tessellation for. A setting of 0 disables tessellation in all shadows. Default Value: 1 NOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game. Will be tweakable soon. Shadow Pool Size CVar: e_ShadowsPoolSize Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Sets the size of the shadow pool render target – increased size produces more resolution available for, and fewer artifacts in shadow casting lights (NOT including the sun). Value should be a power of 2 (128, 256, …) If the pool is too small to fit the minimum size for the shadow casting lights, the GPU will thrash and performance will be severely impacted Default Value: 2048 (Low/Medium/High), 4096 (Very High) Sun Shadow Map Size CVar: e_ShadowsMaxTexRes Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Sets the size of each sun shadow cascade – increased size produces more resolution available for sun shadows. Default Value: 512 (Low), 1024 (Medium/High/Very High) Global Illumination Timeslicing CVar: e_GICache Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Sets the number of frames to cache GI results for before regenerating A value of 0 disables all caching and regenerates GI every frame Default Value: 7 Global Illumination Iterations CVar: e_GIIterations Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Sets the number of iterations to perform when calculating Global Illumination A higher number will reduce bleeding and lengthen the light propagation distance Default Value: 10 Tessellation Distance Limit CVar: e_TessellationMaxDistance Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Changes the distance in metres where tessellation will stop applying to objects Default Value: 30 Tessellation Triangle Target Size CVar: r_TessellationTriangleSize Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg The length of a triangle edge in pixels to aim for when tessellating. Default Value: 8 Grass Instance Animation Distance CVar: e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Distance fudge-factor where interactive grass instances will stop animating. Default Value: 4.5 (Low/Medium/High) 8.0 (Very High) Grass Instance Max Distance CVar: e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Multiplier controlling where chunks of interactive grass instances will disappear in the distance. Default Value: 50 LOD distance ratio CVar: e_LodRatio Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls how close objects drop to lower Levels Of Detail. A higher number means a longer distance before this drop happens. Default Value: 4 (Low), 6 (Medium) 20 (High), 40 (Very High) View distance ratio (General) CVar: e_ViewDistRatio Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls how close objects will stop rendering in the distance. Default Value: 25 (Low), 35 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High) View distance ratio (Vegetation) CVar: e_ViewDistRatioVegetation Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls how close vegetation will stop rendering in the distance. Default Value: 21 (Low), 31 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High) View distance ratio (Detail) CVar: e_ViewDistRatioDetail Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls how close certain objects marked as 'detail' by artists will stop rendering in the distance. Default Value: 19 (Low), 24 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High) Miscellaneous Skip Intro Movies CVar: g_skipIntro Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Skips the introduction movies that play before the main menu at game boot. Default Value: Off Fullscreen window mode CVar: r_FullscreenWindow Recommended to be placed in system.cfg When enabled, selecting 'fullscreen' in the menus will use a window that fills the screen, allowing easy alt-tab. Windowed mode will behave as normal. Default Value: Off Disallow Fullscreen Pre-emption CVar: r_FullscreenPreemption Recommended to be placed in system.cfg When enabled, Pop-ups such as instant message windows and other focus-stealing windows will not minimise the game. Default Value: On Force Output Monitor CVar: r_overrideDXGIOutput Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Gives the number of display to use when creating the game window. 0 is the default/primary monitor and 1, 2, etc are displays after that. Allows you to create the window on a different monitor from your primary monitor (e.g. a TV or other external display) Default Value: 0 Multi-GPU Support CVar: r_MGPU Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Determines Multi-GPU support in engine. Default Value: Autodetect Disabled: No multi-GPU support. Forced: Multi-GPU support is force-enabled. Autodetect: CryEngine auto-detects whether or not to enable Multi-GPU support. Hardware Gamma Level CVar: r_Gamma Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Changes the hardware gamma level. Affects desktop as well. Default Value: 1.0 Internal Occlusion Culling CVar: e_CoverageBufferReproj Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg Controls the internal occlusion culling. You shouldn't need to modify this cvar, but if you encounter any popping with rapid moving, experiment with disabling this. Default Value: On Game Network Port CVar: g_blaze_gamePort Recommended to be placed in system.cfg The network port games connections will be made on. Enable Blaze VOIP CVar: net_blaze_voip_enable Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Toggles whether Blaze VOIP is enabled or not. Default Value: On Enable Blaze VOIP PTT CVar: net_blaze_voip_enable_ptt Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Toggles whether Blaze VOIP Push-to-talk is enabled or not. Default Value: On Enable Blaze VOIP CVar: net_blaze_voip_playback_volume Recommended to be placed in system.cfg Sets the Blaze VOIP playback volume, in the range 0.0 to 1.0. Default Value: 1.0 Full volume …Phew. Here's your reward.
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