vineri, 23 august 2013

Dungeon of the Endless revealed as a tower defence roguelike, set in a sci-fi fantasy g21

A week is a long time when you're riding the PC gaming news bus. After ten days of announcement bumps and trailer plotholes, you'd be forgiven for not remembering Amplitude Studios' mysterious announcement for Dungeon of the Endless. Luckily, we can turn this vehicle around with a link. If you're all caught up, let's get this engine started, because a new trailer reveals more about the game.

The two halves of this pixellated saga have been smooshed together here. Pop to the 1:20 mark to see the new segment.

The video, while charming, still doesn't explain what the game is. For that, we turn to Joystiq, who describe it as a tower defence sci-fi fantasy roguelike. Er, okay. Set in the same universe as Endless Space and the also recently announced Endless Legend (yes, those two are linked), Dungeon of the Endless will see 'heroes' killing monsters, spending resources and bolstering defences. The developers are aiming to give players infinite replayability and brutal difficulty, because roguelike.

Dungeon of the Endless is due out on Steam Early Access later this year.

The post Dungeon of the Endless revealed as a tower defence roguelike, set in a sci-fi fantasy appeared first on PC Gamer.


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