miercuri, 27 martie 2013

Knights of Pen & Paper heading to PC and Mac, will be one better than mobile versions of game g21

Knights of Pen & Paper is an RPG where you play an RPG – specifically, an old-fashioned pen-and-paper one, the sort that I'm quite jealous not to have played in real life. The 'action' happens at the back of the screen, illustrating what the Dungeon Master and five heroic adventurers are describing at the front. It looks marvellous, and it will soon be a marvellous-looking game we can play at our desks, as PC and Mac versions of the previously mobile-only title have just been announced. Not only that, but we're getting a shiny '+1′ version with all sorts of extra stuff, including new dungeons and additional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles references. Yes.

There's no concrete date yet, but Knights of Pen & Paper +1 is apparently coming "soon" – specifically "Q2″, the annoying financial term I have to Google the definition of every time. Oh, turns out it's April, May or June – so expect the game in April, May or June.

Here is a very lovely trailer. Ignoring the New Rules of game trailers, it seems to have forgotten to include a horrific bit where you have to cut the DM's leg off, focusing on battles, and player/desk customisation instead.

Cheers, Eurogamer.

The post Knights of Pen & Paper heading to PC and Mac, will be one better than mobile versions of game appeared first on PC Gamer.

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